• Moonlight sonata6:10
  • Spring waltz4:22
  • Piano concert23:20
  • So What9:25
  • Air in G string2:03


I use an  Impressionist chromatic which

means I work  black free, because if blackis not

properly controlled it can deteriorate the whole

piece, I prefer to use the worm - cold contrast

and some colorfull greys.

    My favourite Abstract painter isWassily

Kandinsky from which I learned the composition

and how to distribute the items on the canvas,

colors and shapes, in thesearch of the equilibrium;

from Malevich I learned the supremacy of

shape inside it's simplicity and purity; from Picasso I learned how to deconstruct the reality into a string of shapes, the interpretation and style.   At Surrealism I prefer Joan Miro, however I do apreciate the work of later  artists such as Ion Alin Gheorghiu which died in 2001 and my favorite contemporary artist is Adrian Ghenie.

"Every canvas has it's own destiny, I just clarify it because I know in another time and space dimension it is  finite!​"

​​​​   My imagination developed through a full analyzes of textures of different objects arround me, because every object has it's artistic properties. When I paint I start with the a shapeless ideea and it takes form around it, instant thoughts, for me the colors and shapes represent statements capable to redefine a concept which results to be the name of the painting. Every piece I make has at it's origins in a main concept which is the absolute truth, I take in consideration generality not the individuality.

Before I start painting it's the quiet before the thunderstorm!"


2011 -  “George Tutoveanu” Culture house, Barlad
2011-2012 - House of the Didactic Division, Vaslui

2012 - "N.N. Tonitza" Art Gallery, Bârlad

2014-The County Museum "Stefan cel Mare", Vaslui
2014-2015-World Bank Art Gallery, Bucharest

2016 - "Cupola" Art Gallery, Iasi

2018/22 - "Th.Pallady" Art Gallery, Iasi

2019/20/22 -  "N.N. Tonitza" Art Gallery, Bârlad

2024 - „Octav Bancila” Art Gallery, Iasi

I was born in Barlad on 11'th of august 1987.
2014 - Member of the
Artists Union of Romania ( RAAA ) Iasi Branch , Department of Painting


2011 - Masters Degree in Painting Department of the University of Arts " George Enescu"  Iasi  

2009 - Graduated from the University of Arts "George Enescu"  Iasi, Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts

2008 - "Erasmus" scholarship in Bilbao, Spain at Universidad del Pais Vasco
2006 - Graduated from the Pedagogical High School   "Alexandru Vlahuta " Barlad
2006 - Certificate of qualified artistic technician

​​​​​ ​​​​Cristian Gheorghita